Suzy Menkes książki

Książki autora Suzy Menkes z wysyłką za granicę.

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Yves Saint Laurent Catwalk The Complete Haute Cout.. [Oprawa Twarda]
Suzy Menkes , Jéromine Savignon

Founded by Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé in 1961, shortly after the young couturier left his post at the helm of Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent would soon become one of the most successful

Fashion Designers A-Z [Oprawa Twarda]
Valerie Steele , Suzy Menkes , Robert Nippoldt

From Azzedine Alaïa, Cristóbal Balenciaga, and Coco Chanel to Alexander McQueen, Yves Saint Laurent, and Vivienne Westwood, a century’s worth of fashion greats from the permanent collection of The Mu

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