Stephen Crane, tworząc "Szkarłatne godło odwagi”, pracował jako niewiele zarabiający dziennikarz, dlatego nie mógł zapłacić za przepisanie całości utworu na maszynie. Nowojorski wydawca zdołał więc z
With a new Introduction by Cedric Watts, M.A., Ph.D., Research Professor of English, Sussex University.
During his tragically short life, Stephen Crane gained fame as a vividly distinctive writer.
The Red Badge of Courage is one of the greatest war novels of all time. It reports on the American Civil War through the eyes of Henry Fleming, an ordinary farm boy turned soldier. It evokes the chao
With its high-interest adaptations of classic literature and plays, this series inspires reading success and further exploration for all students.These classics are skillfully adapted into concise, s