Explore the microscopic world of bacteria, viruses and other microbes with this fascinating lift-the-flap book. Discover how germs spread, how the immune system works, the amazing vaccines and antibi
You'll never guess how your body fights germs or how dinosaurs fought each other, what kind of animal is named after Sir David Attenborough and what sunsets look like on Mars.
All is revealed in t
Dzięki tej książce dzieci poznają zadziwiający świat bakterii, wirusów i innych drobnoustrojów. Dowiedzą się, jakie choroby mogą one wywołać i jak broni się przed nimi ludzkie ciało. Sprawdzą, które
People talk a lot about germs, but what actually are they? Open the pages of this friendly book to find out. Discover what bacteria and viruses are, how they can spread and lots of different ways to
You'll never guess what doctors call tummy rumbles or how many smells your nose can recognise, and did you know that you could catch a yawn? This delightful information book is full of fun and surpri