Dlaczego ludzie wierzą w bzdury? Czym nauka różni się od pseudonauki? Jak odróżnić fakt od fantazji, lekarstwo od ściemy, wiedzę od bredni? BUJDA NA RESORACH to napisany przystępnym językiem prze
A wide-ranging philosophical and practical guide to incorporating the wisdom of ancient philosophers into daily modern life.What does life truly mean? Who do I want to become? And ho
The answers to our daily worries and anxieties – big or small – lie at the heart of Stoic philosophy. Live Like a Stoic is the essential guide to help us live the good life.
It offers a year-long
'Bursting with practical wisdom and engaging stories ... a Stoicism 2.0 for twenty-first century happiness' Skye Cleary
'A bold, contemporary updating of Stoicism for the present day' John Sellars