What does it mean to be truly free? And can any of us be free until all of us are?
Nobel Peace Prize nominee Nathan Law has experienced first-hand the shocking speed with which our freedom can be
The Communist Manifesto was first published in London in 1848, by two young men in their late twenties. Its impact reverberated across the globe and throughout the next century, and it has come to be
On Anarchism is an essential introduction to the Noam Chomsky's political theory.
On Anarchism sheds a much needed light on the foundations of Chomsky's thought, specifically his constant question
“She was our conscience. Our seer. Our truth-teller. She was a magician with language, who understood the power of words.” - Oprah Winfrey
A vital non-fiction collection from one of the most celeb
‘It couldn’t happen here’
Ece Temelkuran heard reasonable people in Britain say it the night of the Brexit vote.
She heard reasonable people in America say it the night Trump’s election was sou
The story of Jerusalem is the story of the world. This fully revised and updated edition includes a new epilogue bringing the story of Jerusalem up to the present day including updates on the Israeli
Nie minęło sześć lat od rozpoczęcia się burzliwych przemian społeczno-politycznych, określanych jako Arabska Wiosna Ludów, a Bliski Wschód i Afryka Północna zmieniły się nie do poznania. Tylko kilka
Surveying the various challenges in the world today, from mass migration and geopolitical tensions to terrorism, the explosion of rightist populism and the emergence of new radical politics - all of
'These 128 pages are a brief primer in every important thing we might have learned from the history of the last century, and all that we appear to have forgotten' Observer
History does not repeat,
Jakkolwiek sprawy się potoczą, w Syrii nic już nie będzie jak dawniej. Przemoc będzie wygasała latami - zbyt wiele broni znalazło się w tym kraju, zbyt wielu ludzi za nią chwyciło. Zachodzi ryzyko, ż
'A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction'
Ranging from the silent fate of Shakespeare's gifted (imaginary) sister to Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë and the effects
Brilliant and disturbing' Yuval Noah Harari
The past is another country, the old saying goes. The same might be said of the future. But which country? For Europeans and Americans today, the answer
Who really creates wealth in our world? And how do we decide the value of what they do? At the heart of today's financial and economic crisis is a problem hiding in plain sight.
In modern capitali
A personal and urgent examination of Fascism in the twentieth century and how its legacy shapes today’s world, written by one of America’s most admired public servants, the first woman to serve as U.
Deep new rifts are tearing apart the fabric of Britain and other Western societies: thriving cities versus the provinces, the highly skilled elite versus the less educated, wealthy versus developing
Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored i
In twenty-one bite-sized lessons, Yuval Noah Harari explores what it means to be human in an age of bewilderment.
How can we protect ourselves from nuclear war, ecological cataclysms and technolog
The CEO of Disney, one of Time’s most influential people of 2019, shares the ideas and values he embraced to reinvent one of the most beloved companies in the world and inspire the people who bring t
The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return
The intelligent and outspoken child of radical Marxists, and the great-grandaughter of Iran's last emperor, Satrapi bears witness to a childhood
"Skażone krajobrazy" to esej o miejscach masowych mordów, dokonywanych w ukryciu, w ścisłej tajemnicy. Mordów, po których zacierano ślady: uciążliwi świadkowie byli likwidowani, doły, do których wrzu
A deeply moving and insightful collection of personal essays from #1 bestselling author John Green, adapted from his critically acclaimed podcast.
The Anthropocene is the current geological age, i
Zarówno komunizm, jak i neoliberalizm były ruchami mesjanistycznymi, wykorzystującymi język rozumu i nauki, w istocie jednak napędzała je wiara. Na pozór śmiertelnie sobie wrogie, oba te wyznania nie
A FINANCIAL TIMES BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: 'The most important book I have read in quite some time' Daniel Kahneman; 'A must-read' Max Tegmark; 'The book we've all been waiting for' Sam Harris
There is only one scenario other than an asteroid strike that could end the world as we know it in a matter of hours: nuclear war.
It could start in as little as 26 minutes and 40 seconds from now…