Ostatnia książka Normana Mailera, giganta amerykańskiej literatury, zarysowuje jego system przekonań religijnych odrzucający zarówno zinstytucjonalizowaną religię, jak i ateizm. W tym zbiorze dziesię
Pierwsze lądowanie na Księżycu oczyma autora Nagich i martwych
Dla wielu lądowanie na Księżycu było decydującym wydarzeniem XX wieku. Nie dziwi więc, że to właśnie Norman Mailer – literacki prowokat
Miami, Summer 1968. The Vietnam War is raging; Martin Luther King, Jr., and Bobby Kennedy have just been assassinated. The Republican Party meets in Miami and picks Richard Nixon as its candidate, to
This is the story of the world heavyweight championship fight between George Foreman and Muhammed Ali in 1975. As the weeks to the fight ticked away, Ali's preparation was sluggish and his attitude f
This dazzling tribute to Muhammad Ali and George Foremans 1974 boxing match in Kinshasa, Zaire, brings together the best of Norman Mailers classic commentary The Fight with color and black-and-whi
Norman Mailer, jeden z najważniejszych autorów amerykańskich ostatniego półwiecza, często w sposób kontrowersyjny i na pograniczu publicystyki i literackiej fikcji portretował ikony swoich czasów, ta
Advertisements for Myself is a comprehensive collection of the best of Norman Mailer's essays, stories, interviews and journalism from the Forties and Fifties, linked by anarchic and riotous autobiog
As Stephen Rojack, a decorated war hero and former congressman who murders his wife in a fashionable New York City high-rise, runs amok through the city in which he was once a privileged citizen, Mai
October 21, 1967, Washington, D.C. 20,000 to 200,000 protesters are marching to end the war in Vietnam, while helicopters hover overhead and federal marshals and soldiers with fixed bayonets await th
Based on Mailer's own experience of military service in the Philippines during World War Two, The Naked and the Dead' is a graphically truthful and shattering portrayal of ordinary men in battle. Fir