Pasjonująca kontynuacja „Śpiących gigantów” – jednej z najlepszych książek o kontakcie ludzi z obcą cywilizacją.
Ludzkość musi stawić czoło najeźdźcom z kosmosu, ale Rose Franklin i jej towarzysze z
W dzieciństwie Rose Franklin przypadkowo odkryła gigantyczną metalową rękę ukrytą pod ziemią w Południowej Dakocie. Kilkanaście lat później stanęła na czele zespołu, który w różnych miejscach na świe
For millennia an unbroken line of alien mothers and daughters have secretly been shepherding human technology towards the stars.
Twelve-year-old Aster is the last of this line.
But the loss of he
The First Rule is the most important: "Always run, never fight."
Over 100 generations, Mia's family has shaped Earth's history to push humanity to the stars, making brutal, wrenching choices along
The First Rule is the most important: 'Always run, never fight'.
For 3000 years Mia's family has shaped Earth's history to push humanity to the stars, making brutal, wrenching choices along the
When you don't know The Rules it's hard to stay safe. After a traumatic incident, Aster finds that her blood work comes back with some unusual readings. Unsurprising, as she's the last of an alien ra
We were wrong . . .
Ten years ago, alien robots descended to Earth killing one hundred million people. And when they retreated, they took brilliant scientist Rose Franklin and her team with them.
Deadwood, USA. A girl sneaks out just before dark to ride her new bike. Suddenly, the ground disappears beneath her. Waking up at the bottom of a deep pit, she sees an emergency rescue team above her
Powieść na miarę „Jurassic Park”, „World War Z” i „Marsjanina”, po mistrzowsku łącząca elementy thrillera, fantastyki i powieści przygodowej. Kiedy pod jadącą rowerem Rose zapada się ziemia i dziewcz
What’s going on? Turn on the television. What channel? Any channel. An unknown vessel, not of this world, materializes in London. A colossal figure towering over the city, it makes no move. Is this a
If you loved The Passage, World War Z, The Martian or Interstellar: this is a must-read thriller for you. * * * Deadwood, USA. A girl sneaks out just before dark to ride her new bike. Suddenly, the g