The Council of Lithuanian Jews (Lithuanian Vaad) was the central representative organ of the Jews in the Grand Duchy of Lithua¬nia. It operated for nearly one and a half centuries (1623-1764), touchi
This book features the mechanisms underlying the life of Jewish communities and the policies pursued by their authorities in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th-18th centuries on the examp
Mojżesz Wasercug pochodził z Wielkopolski, z miasta Skoki (hebr. Skok, niem. Schokken), położonego około 40 km na północny wschód od Poznania. Skoki były prywatnym miastem szlacheckim, w drugiej poło
Spis Treści :
Editorial Note
CHAPTER 1. Outline of the History of Jews in Poznań and Swarzędz
CHAPTER 2. Source Materials Used in the Study of the Wielkopolska Jewish C