'Teen-appeal' topics combined with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools as well as B2 First for Schools. The Level 6 Workbook provides additional
'Teen-appeal' topics combined with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools as well as B2 First for Schools. The Level 7 Workbook provides additional
Prepare! is a lively 7-level general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and tec
'Teen-appeal' topics combined with extensive preparation for A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools, B2 First for Schools and C1 Advanced. The Level 9 Workbook provides additional practice a
Complete Key for Schools is the most thorough preparation for the revised A2 Key for Schools.
Complete Key for Schools is the most thorough preparation for the revised A2 Key for Schools. Complete
Captivating Discovery Education™ video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education™, Eyes Open features captivating D
Complete Key for Schools is the most thorough preparation for the revised A2 Key for Schools. This Teacher's Book contains detailed teacher's notes, answer key and extra teaching ideas. The Download
Captivating Discovery Education™ video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education™, Eyes Open features captivati
Struktura modułu w zeszycie ćwiczeń odpowiada strukturze modułu w podręczniku. Każda z sekcji to cała strona ćwiczeń utrwalających wiadomości i umiejętności prezentowane w podręczniku.
Complete Key for Schools is the most thorough preparation for the revised A2 Key for Schools. Complete Student's Book allows you to maximise students' performance with the Complete approach to langu
PREPARE 2nd edition Level 7 combines 'teen-appeal' topics with extensive preparation for the B2 First for Schools exam. The Level 7 Workbook provides additional reading, writing and listening practic
Complete Key for Schools is official preparation for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools exam. It combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with engaging topics aimed at youn
Complete Key for Schools is official preparation for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools exam. It combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with engaging topics aimed at youn
Complete Key for Schools is official preparation for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools exam. It provides comprehensive language development integrated with exam-task familiarisation. Ther
Complete Key for Schools is official preparation for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools exam. It combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with engaging topics aimed at youn
Complete Key for Schools is official preparation for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools exam. It combines the best in contemporary classroom practice with engaging topics aimed at younger s
Czteropoziomowy kurs przygotowujący do egzaminu gimnazjalnego na obu poziomach: podstawowym i rozszerzonym.
- tematy egzaminacyjne
- zagadnienia gramatyczne
- powtórki
- przygotowanie do egzami
Czteroczęściowy kurs dla uczniów gimnazjum, rozpoczynających lub kontynuujących naukę języka angielskiego.
Kurs przygotowany specjalnie dla polskich gimnazjalistów i ich nauczycieli.
Czteroczęściowy kurs dla klas na zróżnicowanym poziomie językowym - przygotowujący do egzaminu gimnazjalnego.
Wszystkie tematy egzaminacyjne - ciekawie ujęte i wyraźnie oznaczone;
Zagadnienia gra
Prepare! is a lively general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and technology