Wydana w pierwszej połowie XX wieku powieść obyczajowa Kochanek lady Chatterley przedstawia historię namiętnego romansu angielskiej arystokratki z leśniczym.
Bohaterka, Constance Chatterley – młoda,
Kochanek lady Chatterley to nie tylko historia namiętnego romansu angielskiej arystokratki. To ważna opowieść o prawie do miłości i namiętności wbrew społecznym konwenansom. Mąż lady Konstancji Chatt
Co do mnie, to gdy pierwszy raz świadomie oglądałem rzeczy Etrusków – to było w muzeum w Perugii – instynktownie mnie pociągnęły. I tak to chyba działa – albo natychmiastowa sympatia, albo wzgarda i
The lull continued. Then suddenly came sharp orders, and a new direction of the guns, and an intense, exciting activity. Yet at the center the soul remained dark and aloof, alone. But even so, it was
In 1915, Lawrence's frank representation of sexuality in The Rainbow caused a furore and the novel was seized by the police and banned almost as soon as it was published. Today it is recognised as on
Dawid Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) - angielski pisarz, eseista, podróżnik, autor m.in "Kochanka Lady Chatterley" zawsze był pisarzem obrazoburczym, skandalistą swojej epoki. Zmagał się z cenzurą, zwa
Lawrence's reputation as a novelist has often meant that his achievements in poetry have failed to receive the recognition they deserve. This edition brings together, in a form he himself sanctioned,
The Man Who Loved Islands presents Lawrence’s skilled, intimate and lively portraits of humanity. In the title story a man buys a ninety-nine year lease on an island and finds himself cast off in its
`When you have experienced Sons and Lovers you have lived through the agonies of the young Lawrence striving to win free from his old life'.
Richard Aldington
This novel is Lawrence's semi-autobi
In this notorious late novel, Lawrence’s pagan imaginings burgeon. Kate Leslie, an Irish widow touring Mexico, becomes gradually involved with a charismatic leader, and she enters a sexual relationsh
Nic dziwnego, że poganie byli przerażeni "bezbożnym", chrześcijańskim pragnieniem zniszczenia wszechświata. Przerażeni byliby nawet Żydzi Starego Testamentu. Wszak w ich mniemaniu ziemia i gwiazdy, p
Lawrence's finest, most mature novel initially met with disgust and incomprehension. In the love affairs of two sisters, Ursula with Rupert, and Gudrun with Gerald, critics could only see a sorry tal
Lawrence's reputation as a novelist has often meant that his achievements in poetry have failed to receive the recognition they deserve. This edition brings together, in a form he himself sanctioned,
Lawrence asserted that 'the proper function of a critic is to save the tale from the artist who created it'. In these highly individual, penetrating essays he has exposed 'the American whole soul' wi
But I ran up the broken stairway, and came out suddenly, as if by a miracle, clean on the platform of my San Tommaso, in the tremendous sunshine.'
Four personal, sun-drenched sketches of Lawrence'