13 lutego 1945 roku alianci zachodni dokonali jednego z najtragiczniejszych nalotów w historii – nalotu na Drezno. Zabytkowe miasto, przedwojenna siedziba artystów, perła architektury, zostało komple
This insightful portrait of Winston Churchill delves beyond well-known political events, incorporating perspectives from various individuals who encountered him throughout his life. From Bletchley Pa
W tajnym ośrodku dekryptażu w Bletchley Park, podczas II wojny światowej, obok najwybitniejszych umysłów Wielkiej Brytanii znaleźli się studenci, panny z wyższych sfer, robotnice i kobiety z oddziałó
In February 1945 the Allies obliterated Dresden, the 'Florence of the Elbe'. Explosive bombs weighing over 1,000 lbs fell every seven and a half seconds and an estimated 25,000 people were killed. Wa
"In 1860, a 70 year old widow turned landlady named Mary Emsley was found dead in her own home, killed by a blow to the back of her head. What followed was a murder case that gripped the nation, a ve
Throughout the twentieth century, Berlin stood at the centre of a convulsing world. This history is often viewed as separate acts: the suffering of the First World War, the cosmopolitan city of scien
This insightful portrait of Winston Churchill delves beyond well-known political moments, incorporating perspectives from various individuals who encountered him throughout his life.
From Bletchle