There is only one scenario other than an asteroid strike that could end the world as we know it in a matter of hours: nuclear war.
It could start in as little as 26 minutes and 40 seconds from now…
Public records, in various forms, have accompanied humanity since ancient times. Initially, their keeping was mainly related to the need to record facts about property rights. With time, however, alo
' Charles Dunst's deeply researched, timely and powerful book offers a blueprint for how democracies should fight back.' - Sir Kim Darroch
'Remarkable. A thoughtful and perceptive book.' - Rt. Hon
Geography comes before history. Islands cannot have the same history as continental plains. The United Kingdom is a European country, but not the same kind of European country as Germany, Poland or H
This publication presents the ongoing developments in the maritime environment and shows how they will impact the future submarine operating environment. The changes are triggered both by intensive a
The book "Public Policy towards the Aerospace and Defence Industry in Germany today" provides a comprehensive presentation and evaluation of the German public policy on the aerospace and defence indu
In December 2013, David Satter became the first American journalist to be expelled from Russia since the Cold War. The Moscow Times said it was not surprising he was expelled, "it was surprising it t
An essential primer on capitalism, politics and how the world works, based on the hugely popular undergraduate lecture series 'What is Politics?'
Is there an alternative to capitalism? In this landm
Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In just a fraction of that time, one species among countless others has conquered it. Us. We are the most advanced and most destructive animals ever to have liv
The story of how information networks have made, and unmade, our world from the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Sapiens
Stories brought us together.
Books spread our ideas – and our mytho
In twenty-one bite-sized lessons, Yuval Noah Harari explores what it means to be human in an age of bewilderment.
How can we protect ourselves from nuclear war, ecological cataclysms and technolog
From the creator of Valuetainment, the #1 YouTube channel for entrepreneurs, and “one of the most exciting thinkers” (Ray Dalio, author of Principles) in business today, comes a practical and effecti
The effects of trauma can be devastating for sufferers, their families and future generations. Here one of the world's experts on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for treatment, moving awa
'Helen Czerski weaves together physics and biology, history and science, in a beautifully poetic way.'
Professor Alice Roberts
'In Helen Czerski's hands, the mec
We live in an age of increasing complexity, where accelerating technology and global interconnection hold more promise – and more peril – than any other time in human history. The fossil fuels that h
Świeże i oryginalne spojrzenie na geopolitykę stojącą za dzisiejszymi problemami polityki międzynarodowej.
Przywódcy wszystkich państw i narodów są ograniczeni przez geografię. Ich wybory krępują
Seventy-five years after the end of the Second World War the details of Soviet ships, their activities and fates remain an enigma to the West. In wartime such information was classified and after a b
Ogłoszona w 2020 roku pandemia koronawirusa nie jest wydarzeniem z zakresu medycyny czy ochrony zdrowia. Jest to wydarzenie polityczne i ekonomiczne, dla którego przykrywką jest globalna operacja soc
Fascynująca, a jednocześnie szokująca wizja tego, co nas czeka w XXI wieku Nowa zimna wojna z Rosją, wewnętrzny kryzys w Chinach, koniec wojny Stanów Zjednoczonych z islamskim fundamentalizmem, globa
Ta książka dotyczy planów masonerii rytu szkockiego i masonerii rytu francuskiego wobec Polski, tego co te masonerie robią w naszym kraju i dokąd Polskę chcą zaprowadzić. Najważniejszy w tej książce
Bestseller, który wyjaśnia pochodzenie i naturę nowoczesnych technik inżynierii społecznej i politycznej kontroli. Fascynująca i bogata faktograficznie lektura, ujawniająca zatajane fakty.
Z wielką
Sometimes history seems like a laundry list of malevolent monarchs, pompous presidents and dastardly dictators. But are they really the ones in the driving seat? Sapiens: A Graphic History – The Mast
A radical examination by a leading financial analyst, commentator and investor of the ills of capitalism and how they can be fixed
What went wrong with capitalism? Ruchir Sharma’s explanation is u
Autor patrzy uważnie na otaczający nas świat i z żelazną logiką wyciąga wnioski, które budzą niepokój, a nawet lęk. Czyż nie brzmi to znajomo i złowieszczo: będzie się popierać zepsucie obyczajów, ze