Książki autora Teresa Czerniewicz-Umer z wysyłką za granicę.

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DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Poland [Oprawa Miękka]
Jerzy S. Majewski , Małgorzata Omilanowska , Teresa Czerniewicz-Umer

The perfect holiday companions! These award-winning on-the-spot visual guides are bursting with information and will help to make your trip hassle-free and pleasurable. This Travel Guide helps you ge

Eyewitness Travel Guide Poland [Oprawa Miękka]
Teresa Czerniewicz-Umer , Małgorzata Omilanowska , Jerzy S. Majewski

The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring this historic and diverse nation. Take a guided tour of War

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