Anglia, druga połowa wieku XIX. Daleko od wielkich wydarzeń, daleko od szalejących tłumów, daleko od wszelkiego zgiełku dzieje się spokojne życie angielskiej prowincji. I choć pozornie zwykłe codzien
The Penguin English Library Edition of Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy `I cannot allow any man to - to criticise my private conduct!` she exclaimed. `Nor will I for a minute` Hardy`s po
Wessex Tales was the first collection of Hardy's short stories, and they reflect the experience of a novelist at the height of his powers. These seven tales, in which characters and scenes are imbued
Hardy distrusted the application of nineteenth-century empiricism to history because he felt it marginalized important human elements. In The Trumpet-Major, the tale of a woman courted by three compe
Part of the Chiltern Classics range. Far From A Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy tells the story of a farmer named Gabriel Oak who falls in love with a headstrong, independent woman named Bathsheba Ever