Mark Stille książki

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Włoskie okręty liniowe podczas II Wojny Światowej [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

Marynarka Wojenna Włoch, Regia Marina, w chwili wybuchu II Wojny Światowej była czwartą flotą wojenną na świecie, lecz mimo tego jest często pomijana i powszechnie uznawana za nieskuteczną. Składała
43,80 zł

Lotniskowce US Navy 1942-1945 Jednostki zbudowane .. [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

Podczas wojny na Pacyfiku lotniskowce były najważniejszą bronią US Navy w walce przeciwko Japonii. Prace na typem Essex rozpoczęły się 1939 r., stał się on najliczniejszym typem okrętów tej klasy w d
38,45 zł

Cesarska marynarka wojenna Japonii w okresie wojny.. [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

W 1904 r. Cesarska Marynarka Wojenna Japonii była już mocno rozbudowana. Rozwinęła się w zaledwie dwa dziesięciolecia, praktycznie od zera. Gdy zniszczyła rosyjską flotę pod Cuszimą, Japonia stała si
38,45 zł

Midway-Class Aircraft Carriers 1945-92 [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

The Midway-class were the US Navy's biggest carriers built during World War II. Superbly illustrated, this explains how they became the backbone of the Cold War fleet. Entering service in Septembe
76,97 zł

Leyte Gulf A New History of the World's Largest Se.. [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

A fascinating re-examination of the battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest naval encounter in history and probably the most decisive naval battle of the entire Pacific War. Leyte was a huge and complex
87,67 zł

Battle of the Atlantic 1 The U-Boat Campaign again.. [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

The first in a series of illustrated books exploring the longest and best-known naval campaign of World War II, focusing on the struggle between Allied naval and air forces and Hitler's U-boats. W
113,79 zł

Japans Indian Ocean Raid 1942 [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

An detailed illustrated exploration of the Japanese raid into the Indian Ocean in April 1942 – one of the largest operations conducted by the Imperial Navy during the war. In the wake of Japan's c
110,14 zł

Amerykańskie pancerniki standardowe 1941-1945 (2) .. [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

Niniejsza pozycja zamyka dwuczęściowe, wyczerpujące opracowanie na temat amerykańskich pancerników typów standardowych z II wojny światowej – okrętów zaprojektowanych z myślą o innego rodzaju wojnie
43,44 zł

Santa Cruz 1942 Starcie lotniskowców na południowy.. [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

Wbrew temu, co głosi mit, japońskie siły lotniskowcowe nie zostały zniszczone w bitwie o Midway. Przetrwały i wciąż stanowiły zagrożenie na Pacyfiku. Najdobitniej dowiodły tego w bitwie koło wysp San
61,64 zł

Imperial Japanese Navy Light Cruisers 1941-45 [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

The Imperial Japanese Navy went to war with 17 light cruisers and another three cruiser-sized training ships. Of these, most were 5,500-ton ships designed to act as destroyer squadron flagships. This
79,83 zł

Imperial Japanese Navy Heavy Cruisers 1941-45 [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

Designed with little more than a passing nod to the international naval treaties of the inter-war period, the Imperial Japanese Navy's heavy cruisers were fast and heavily armed. Like the other vesse
79,83 zł

Imperial Japanese Navy Submarines 1941-45 [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

During World War II the Imperial Japanese Navy was at the forefront of submarine technology. It fielded the largest pre-nuclear submarines in the world, some capable of carrying floatplane bombers, w
73,70 zł

Imperial Japanese Navy Battleships 1941-45 [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

The Imperial Japanese Navy of World War II surpassed the Allied and Axis fleets in innovation and technology. This title covers the 12 Japanese battleships that saw service between 1941 and 1945, inc
73,70 zł

US Navy Ships vs Japanese Attack Aircraft 1941-42 [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

The striking power of the Imperial Japanese Navy's carrier-­based attack aircraft was established at Pearl Harbor, and the IJN's carrier-­based torpedo­ and dive-­bombers showed their prowess again a
85,89 zł

Imperial Japanese Navy Destroyers 1919-45 (1) Mine.. [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

This volume will detail the history, weapons and tactics of the Japanese destroyers built before the war. This includes the famous Fubuki class (called "Special Type” by the Japanese, which were, whe
79,83 zł

Imperial Japanese Navy Destroyers 1919-45 (2) Asas.. [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

During the Pacific War the most successful component of the Imperial Japanese Fleet was its destroyer force. These ships were larger and, in most cases, better-equipped than their Allied counterparts
77,40 zł

Japanese Combined Fleet 1941-42 The IJN at its zen.. [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

Launching Osprey's new Fleet series, this is a spectacularly illustrated, concise and comprehensive account of the Imperial Japanese Navy's striking force at the height of its power. The Imperial
106,50 zł

US Navy Gun Destroyers 1945-88 Fletcher class to F.. [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

An illustrated history of the long Cold War careers of the US Navy's last gun destroyers, from the modernized World War II-era Fletcher-class to the Forrest Sherman-class. The finest American dest
85,89 zł

US Navy Frigates of the Cold War [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

Though they were never the most glamorous of warships, found US Navy frigates were frequently found on the frontlines of the Cold War at sea. These warships were the descendants of World War II's des
73,76 zł

Super-Battleships of World War II Montana-class, L.. [Oprawa Miękka]
Mark Stille

An illustrated study of the design, development and eventual fates of the uncompleted super-battleships intended to be built before and during World War II. Before the start of World War II, the b
87,10 zł

Midway The Pacific War’s Most Famous Battle [Oprawa Twarda]
Mark Stille

A detailed re-examination of Midway, one of the most significant battles in the Pacific Theater of World War II. In April 1942, the Combined Fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy was at the zeni
162,29 zł
1 2 Następna

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