Just months after his liberation from Auschwitz renowned psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl delivered a series of talks revealing the foundations of his life-affirming philosophy. The psychologist, who wo
For over a decade, Brené Brown has found a special place in our hearts as a gifted mapmaker and a fellow traveller. She is both a social scientist and a kitchen-table friend whom you can always count
How to handle everything (and everyone) around you when all hell breaks loose, from the international bestselling author of Surrounded by Idiots.
Not everything goes the way we want it to - the wo
The modern workplace can be an emotional minefield, filled with confusing power structures and unwritten rules. We're expected to be authentic but not too authentic. Professional but not stiff. Frien
Have you ever said goodbye to someone, only to discover that you're both walking in the same direction? Or had your next thought fly out of your brain in the middle of a presentation? Or accidentally
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People think when you want to change your life, you need to think big. But world-renowned habits expert James Clear has discovered another
Drawing on years of experience as a clinical psychologist, online sensation Dr Julie Smith shares all the skills you need to get through life's ups and downs.
Filled with secrets from a therapist'
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How should we live properly in a world of chaos a
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In Build the Life You Want, Harvard Professor Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah
Can a person literally die of loneliness? Is there a connection between the ability to express emotions and Alzheimer’s disease? Is there such a thing as a ‘cancer personality’?
Drawing on deep sc
Wyjątkowa książka o emocjach, zachowaniach i relacjach społecznych osób wysoko wrażliwych. Po raz pierwszy w Polsce!
Czy jesteś wrażliwcem? Większość z nas od czasu do czasu odczuwa przytłoczenie
The most famous confidence-boosting book ever published; with sales of over 16 million copies worldwide
Millions of people around the world have improved their lives based on the teachings of Dale
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At the very heart of all the success and failure I've been expos
The most famous confidence-boosting book ever published; with sales of over 16 million copies worldwide
Millions of people around the world have improved their lives based on the teachings of Dale
Jak poczuć się lepiej i zadbać o siebie w niespokojnych czasach?
Chociaż ludzkości nigdy nie żyło się lepiej, wielu z nas czuje się źle. Żyjemy w epoce ciągłego stresu, natłoku negatywnych i smutn
Drawing on years of experience as a clinical psychologist, online sensation Dr Julie Smith shares all the skills you need to get through life's ups and downs.
Filled with secrets from a therapist'
Do you ever think you’re the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague’s abrasive mann
Autor Potęgi podświadomości powraca z nową książką, która zmieni Twój sposób myślenia o życiu!
Poznaj moc podświadomości
Dlaczego niektórzy ludzie wiodą szczęśliwe i dostatnie życie, a inni cierpią u
Książka adresowana przede wszystkim do kobiet – zarówno tych, które borykają się z poważnymi problemami życiowymi, jak i tych, które są zahartowane i odporne, ale mają – jak wszyscy ludzie – chwile s
The breakthrough million-copy international bestseller about how to befriend your inner child to find happiness
Everyone longs to be accepted and loved. Ideally, during childhood, we develop the s
Materiał w podręczniku jest przystępnie opracowany, zrozumiały, pisany z myślą o terapeutach. Książka jest pełna praktycznych sugestii, które z pewnością przydadzą się w pracy z pacjentami, gdy wprow