Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In just a fraction of that time, one species among countless others has conquered it. Us. We are the most advanced and most destructive animals ever to have liv
The first volume of the graphic adaptation of Yuval Noah Harari's global phenomenon and smash Sunday Times #1 bestseller, with gorgeous full-colour illustrations and a beautiful package - the perfect
'It all starts with waking up... to what our bodies are expressing and our minds are suppressing'
Western countries invest billions in healthcare, yet mental illness and chronic diseases are on a
In 1990, a country disappeared. When the Iron Curtain fell, East Germany simply ceased to be. For over forty years, from the ruin of the Second World War to the cusp of a new millennium, the GDR pres
There is an entrenched relationship between the consulting industry and the way business and government are managed today which must change.
Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington show that our ec
Podczas drugiej wojny światowej w szeregach alianckich walczyło niemal milion żołnierzy Żydów. W okupowanych przez Niemcy krajach Europy Żydzi stawiali opór zbrojny – do jego najbardziej bohaterskich
What do the music of Bach, Depeche Mode and John Cage fundamentally have in common?' Music is an obsession at the heart of human nature, even more fundamental to our species than language. From Mozar
Shaken, Not Stirred
The most complete account of the making of the James Bond series
“Bond, James Bond.” Since Sean Connery uttered those immortal words in 1962, the most dashing secret agent in
Where did we come from?
What is our connection with other life forms?
What are the mechanisms of mind that define what it means to be a human being?
Evolutionary psychology is a revolutionar
David Attenborough jest najbardziej znanym popularyzatorem wiedzy przyrodniczej na świecie, twórcą filmów przyrodniczych, który z kamerą objechał świat, pokazał nam całe królestwo zwierząt i przeanal
Our choices can help alleviate the most pressing issues we face today: the climate crisis, infectious and chronic diseases, human exploitation and, of course, non-human exploitation. Undeniably, thes
“Hunger gnawed at my insides. I couldn’t last much longer. But just as I was beginning to give up, I found myself in the Auschwitz stables, with rows of stalls filled with horses. Barbarossa was a to
Na tropach praczworonoga w Górach Świętokrzyskich to opowieść o jednym z najważniejszych odkryć paleontologicznych ostatnich lat. Autorzy: biolog i geolog opisują w niej jeden z przełomowych momentów
Maciej Billewicz, artysta fotografik, fotoreporter, dziennikarz. Autor ponad 40 wystaw indywidualnych w kraju i za granicą. Fotografował Jana Pawła II, Czesława Miłosza, Lecha Wałęsę, Richarda Nixona
All prisoners at Auschwitz saw many terrible things, but no one saw and recorded as much as Wilhelm
Brasse - Auschwitz Photographer. Working under orders of the Germans, he took as many as 50
In this bold and provocative book, Yuval Noah Harari explores who we are, how we got here and where we’re going. Sapiens is a thrilling account of humankind’s extraordinary history – from the Stone A
Peter Godfrey-Smith is a leading philosopher of science. He is also a scuba diver whose underwater videos of warring octopuses have attracted wide notice. In this book, he brings his parallel careers
One of the world's top behavioural geneticists argues that we need a radical rethink about what makes us who we are
The blueprint for our individuality lies in the 1% of DNA that differs between p
"The first ever picture-book retelling of Charles Darwin's On The Origin of Species; this accessible work brings evolution to the younger generation through stylish illustrations and a simple, easy-t
A colourful guide with over 60 flaps to lift to discover answers to questions young children might ask about dinosaurs. Provides simple and friendly answers to questions such as “Why do dinosaurs hav
Should we believe in God? In this new book, written for a new generation, the brilliant science writer and author of The God Delusion, explains why we shouldn't.
Should we believe in God? Do we ne
FC Barcelona are one of the most successful football clubs in the world. In the four years that Pep Guardiola was in charge they won fourteen of a possible nineteeen trophies – a success rate never m
Romantic writers often asserted their individuality, but this assertion tended to take the form of positioning themselves in relation to other authors and literary texts. Thus they implicitly acknowl
This illustrated picture book is an alphabetic celebration of queer activists, artists, comedians, writers, philosophers, musicians, poets and Olympic gold medallists. These icons of the LGBTQ+ commu