Kiedy w życiu Sama wszystko zaczyna się układać, okazuje się, że jego dziewczyna Alicia ma dla niego prawdziwą bombę. W zasadzie była dziewczyna, zdążyli bowiem zerwać, zanim mu powiedziała, że jest
Kolejna powieść międzynarodowej sławy pisarza, autora „Był sobie chłopiec”, na podstawie której powstał film z Hugh Grantem, nominowany do Oscara.
Nick Hornby wraca do korzeni - czyli muzyki
Zakochałem się w piłce nożnej tak, jak później zakochiwałem się w kobietach: nagle, niewytłumaczalnie, bezkrytycznie, nie myśląc o bólu ani kłopotach, jakie będą temu towarzyszyły.
"Futbolowa gor
Opowieść o tym, co naprawdę liczy się w życiu. Trzydziestopięcioletni Rob Fleming, uzależniony od muzyki pop właściciel podupadającego sklepu z płytami, zadaje sobie pytanie, czy warto żyć w maleńkim
Annie lives in a dull town on England's bleak east coast and is in a relationship with Duncan which mirrors the place; Tucker was once a brilliant songwriter and performer, who's gone into seclusion
Funny Girl - the latest novel from Nick Hornby, the million-copy bestselling author of About a Boy
Make them laugh, and they're yours forever . . .
Barbara Parker is Miss Blackpool of 1964, but
Osadzona w Londynie lat 60. żywiołowa opowieść o przygodach nieustraszonej Sophie St
Powieść Nicka Hornby`ego - pełna pokoleniowego snobizmu, uczuć i wyrzutów sumienia - jest książką, której się nie zapomina. Smutną, śmieszną i prawdziwą. Natychmiast po opublikowaniu stała się powieś
In 1986, legendary musician Tucker Crowe disappeared from the public eye and for 20 years, his rabid fans have speculated his whereabouts.
Annie lives in Gooleness, the north's answer to a questio
'Can I explain why I wanted to jump off the top of a tower block?'
For disgraced TV presenter Martin Sharp the answer's pretty simple: he has, in his own words, 'pissed his life away'. And on New
It is autobiographical, telling the story of the author`s relationship with football (soccer) and with Arsenal F.C. in particular. It consists of a large number of short essays, each focused on a sin
Nick Hornby’s internationally bestselling first novel, available as a Penguin Essential for the first time. Do you know your desert-island, all-time, top five most memorable split-ups? Rob does. He k
Lucy married just the sort of man you might expect: a university graduate who runs his own business. Unfortunately he turned out to have serious dependency issues.
Joseph is shaking off the memory
Each week, Tom and Louise meet for a quick drink in the pub before they go to meet their marriage counsellor. Married for years and with two children, a recent incident has exposed the fault lines in
'How cool was Will Freeman?'
Too cool! At thirty-six, he's as hip as a teenager. He's single, child-free, goes to the right clubs and knows which trainers to wear. He's also found a great way to s
Juliet, Naked is bestselling author Nick Hornby's moving, funny account of life's second chances
Annie's put fifteen years into safe, slightly obsessive Duncan, and now she'd like her money back,
Make them laugh, and they're yours forever . . .
Barbara Parker is Miss Blackpool of 1964, but she doesn't want to be a beauty queen. She wants to make people laugh. So she leaves her hometown beh
Thirty-six-year-old Londoner Will loves his life. Living carefree off the royalties of his dad's Christmas song, he's rich, unattached and has zero responsibilities - just the way he likes it.
The person you are with is just like you: same background, same age, same interests. The perfect match. And it is a disaster.
Then, when and where you least expect it, you meet someone new. You se
For many people watching football is mere entertainment; to some it's more like a ritual; but to others, its highs and lows provide a narrative to life itself. For Nick Hornby, his devotion to the ga