Książki podobne do Dominik Lejman Płot - katalog do wystawy z tanią wysyłką do Niemiec / DE.

Wśród nich książki autorów takich jak Francis Alys, Marisa Lempicka, Maria Anna Potocka.

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Francis Alys Reel Unreel Katalog wystawy [Oprawa Twarda]
Francis Alys

Francis Alys odbył w latach 2010–2014 wiele podróży do Afganistanu, co miało związek z zaproszeniem artysty do udziału w dOCUMENTA (13). Publikacja ta jest zbiorem materiałów z różnych źródeł, takich

Tamara de Lempicka [Oprawa Twarda]
Marisa Lempicka , Maria Anna Potocka

Album poświęcony życiu i twórczości Tamary Łempickiej, nazywanej królową art déco. Od najmłodszych lat obracała się w towarzystwie światowych elit i brylowała na salonach. Była błyskotliwą skandalist

Zdzisław Beksiński 1929-2005 [Oprawa Twarda]
Wiesław Banach

Album poświęcony twórczości Zdzisława Beksińskiego, to kompendium wiedzy o tym niezwykłym artyście. Wiesław Banach – znawca dorobku artysty prowadzi czytelnika poprzez różne okresy twórczości malarza

Beksiński 2 [Oprawa Twarda]
Zdzisław Beksiński

Twórczość Zdzisława Beksińskiego, gdy patrzymy na niemal już półwieczny dorobek tego artysty, wykazuje niesłychaną spójność duchową. Przemiany dotyczą technik, środków artystycznych i formalnych, a n

Vermeer. The Complete Works [Oprawa Twarda]
Karl Schütz

Johannes Vermeer, creator of life from oil paint Despite numbering at just 35, his works have prompted a New York Times best seller; a film starring Scarlett Johansson and Colin Firth; record visito

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy [Oprawa Miękka]
Douglas Adams

An international phenomenon and pop-culture classic, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has been a radio show, TV series, novel, stage play, comic book and film. Following the galactic (mis)adventu

Tattoo You A New Generation of Artists [Oprawa Twarda]

A cutting-edge illustrated survey of 75 contemporary tattoo artists from around the world who are pushing the boundaries of their art form With nearly 700 images, Tattoo You: A New Generation of A

The Book of Printed Fabrics. From the 16th century.. [Oprawa Twarda]
Aziza Gril-Mariotte

Explore centuries of timeless textiles from the Musée de l’Impression sur Étoffes In the far east of France, close to the German and Swiss borders, lies the historic city of Mulhouse. During the e

Zdzisław Beksiński 1929-2005 [Oprawa Twarda]
Wiesław Banach

Album poświęcony twórczości Zdzisława Beksińskiego, to kompendium wiedzy o tym niezwykłym artyście. Wiesław Banach – znawca dorobku artysty prowadzi czytelnika poprzez różne okresy twórczości malarza

Van Gogh The Complete Paintings [Oprawa Twarda]

The genius and the angst of a tortured talent Today, the works of Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) are among the most well known and celebrated in the world. In paintings such as Sunflowers, The Starry

Dadaism [Oprawa Twarda]
Dietmar Elger

Absurdity against the establishment Emerging amid the brutality of World War I, the revolutionary Dada movement took disgust with the establishment as its starting point. From 1916 until the mid-192

Art Nouveau [Oprawa Twarda]
Michael Robinson , Rosalind Ormiston

The rise of the Art Nouveau style across Continental Europe and the US in all forms of art was remarkable and is explored in this beautifully illustrated book. Discussing the movement first as a whol

KAWS [Oprawa Miękka]
Dan Nadel , Thomas Crow , Clare Lilley

The definitive study of the work of KAWS, one of the most influential and much-loved forces in contemporary art. And culture KAWS is one of the most popular and recognizable contemporary artists,

Polish Art of the 70s [Oprawa Zintegrowana]
Łukasz Ronduda

n the book by Łukasz Ronduda, Art Poland 70s., members of the avant-garde discuss the opening of the Polish avant-garde art movement of the 1970s, which resulted in a never before seen pluralization

Hermitage Museum [Oprawa Twarda]
Hajo Düchting

Ermitaż jedno z największych i najważniejszych muzeów świata. Ogromne zbiory gromadzone przez stulecia i wspaniała architektura budynków, w których sztuka jest prezentowana sprawiają, że muzeum w San

Impressionism [Oprawa Twarda]
Hajo Düchting

Kiedy myślimy o impresjonizmie, przywołujemy w pamięci nastrojowe pejzaże, piękne portrety oraz tętniące życiem sceny miejskie pędzla Moneta, Renoire’a, Degasa i Cezanne’a. Artyści ci chętnie tworzyl

Art in Detail [Oprawa Miękka]
Susie Hodge

Great works of art cannot be fully understood in a single encounter: to get the most out of modern art, it pays to revisit and reconsider, to reflect and to scrutinize in detail. It is also helpful t

The Word is Art [Oprawa Twarda]

Digital communication has seen the word as text permeate life in ways that the poets and artists of yesterday could never have imagined. Presenting a history of word- and book-based art, and examinin

The V&A Sourcebook of Pattern & Ornament [Oprawa Twarda]

This richly illustrated, easy-to-navigate sourcebook of surface pattern and three-dimensional ornamentation presents more than one thousand historic and contemporary examples from around the world, e

Mondrian [Oprawa Twarda]
Susanne Deicher

Abstract pioneer Harmonies in red, yellow, and blue A key figure in the international avant-garde, Piet Mondrian (1872–1944) was at once an extraordinary painter and leading art theoretician whos

Alex Steinweiss The Inventor of the Modern Album C.. [Oprawa Twarda]
Kevin Reagan , Steven Heller

The inventor of album art “I love music so much and I had such ambition that I was willing to go way beyond what the hell they paid me for. I wanted people to look at the artwork and hear the music.

Hundertwasser [Oprawa Twarda]
Pierre Restany

Friedensreich Hundertwasser, hero of fluid forms and ecology Vivid color, organic forms, and a loathing of straight lines were just a few stalwart characteristics in the unique practice of Friedensr

Self-Portraits [Oprawa Twarda]
Ernst Rebel

Me, Myself, and I The history of the self-portrait The self as a subject is one of the most fascinating and fruitful of artistic enterprises. From the 15th century to today, this collection brings

What Great Paintings Say 100 Masterpieces in Detai.. [Oprawa Twarda]

Paintings’ hidden secrets revealed This important addition to our understanding of art history’s masterworks puts some of the world's most famous paintings under a magnifying glass to uncover their


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