Książeczka Co czujesz Akademii Mądrego Dziecka to kolejna pozycja z serii Mój Świat. Na kolorowych, kartonowych stronach, mały czytelnik dowie się, co to są emocje, nauczy się je rozpoznawać oraz naz
Przedstawiamy nową, ciekawą serię w cyklu Akademia Mądrego Dziecka! Uczymy się i bawimy jest kontynuacją serii książek edukacyjnych z puzzlami Poznajemy świat, która zachwyciła dzieci i rodziców. Now
Przedstawiamy nową, ciekawą serię w cyklu Akademia Mądrego Dziecka! Uczymy się i bawimy jest kontynuacją serii książek edukacyjnych z puzzlami Poznajemy świat, która zachwyciła dzieci i rodziców. Now
Moje ciało to kolejna nowość w znanej i lubianej serii Mój świat. Akademii Mądrego Dziecka. Tym razem nasz mały czytelnik przygląda się budowie swojego ciała oraz dowiaduje się, że każdy z nas jest
Moje pierwsze kolory Akademii Mądrego dziecka to kolejna pozycja z serii moje pierwsze od wydawcy HarperKids. Na pierwszej stronie książeczki mamy kolorowe koło. Dziecko musi zakręcić strzałką i wybr
Moje pierwsze zwierzęta to kolorowa książeczka z ruchomymi obrazkami zachęcająca małego czytelnika do poznawania świata zwierząt. Każda rozkładówka poświęcona jest innemu ekosystemowi, pokazując międ
W serii Mój Świat Akademii Mądrego Dziecka pojawiła się nowa pozycja pod tytułem Spójrz jak rosnę. Kartonowa książeczka pokazuje małemu czytelnikowi jak rosną roślinki i zwierzęta. Dzięki ruchomym el
Moje pierwsze zadania przedszkolaka to kolorowa książeczka z klapkami zachęcająca małego czytelnika do poznawania cyfr, kolorów, kształtów i prostego dodawania. Razem ze zwierzątkami dowiadujemy się
This is the perfect book for kids who love animals. On the big, sturdy board pages, they'll discover bright, bold photographs of all different kinds of animals, from pets to farm animals to birds. Ea
Beloved child educator Roger Priddy's classic First 100 Words is now a padded board book introducing 100 essential first words and pictures
Your little one will soon learn some essential first wor
Your little one will soon learn some essential first words and pictures with this bright board book. There are 100 color photographs to look at and talk about, and 100 simple first words to read and
From African animals, to down on the farm and under-the-sea creatures, there are over 100 animals to discover in this big board book. As well as finding out about animals and where they live, there a
This soft cloth book features high-contrast images of a lion, a penguin, a dog, and other first animals, set against bold, primary colored backgrounds. The front cover features a tactile, cloth appli
Introduce your baby to their first zoo animals with this delightful noisy board book. From lion cubs to exotic birds, there are different baby animals to meet on every page, and little hands will lov
This cuddly cloth book from Priddy's My First Books series introduces babies to colorful undersea creatures. The cover has a soft, fleece background, and a shiny appliqué patch on a big friendly whal
Introduce your baby to their first farm animals with this delightful noisy board book. From calves to piglets to lambs, there are different baby animals to meet on every page, and little hands will l
With bright, bold colors and engaging pictures of animals and things to be found down on the farm, this cute and cuddly cloth book will delight your baby. The fleecy front cover is soft and tactile f
Playtown’s construction vehicles are busy working hard on the construction site. This pack of three chunky, shaped board books will help children find out more about the cement mixer, digger, and dum
An adorable and irresistible touch-and-feel board book for babies and toddlers, full of fabulous photos of farm animals to stroke and textures to explore. Feel the duckling’s downy feathers, the fluf
An adorable and irresistible touch-and-feel board book for babies and toddlers, full of fabulous photos of furry bunnies to stroke and textures to explore. See the bunnies doing the things bunnies do
Help your child to learn the math they’ll use in everyday life with this wipe-clean workbook. Through everyday activities, such as going to the store, children will learn first math skills, including
A practical workbook full of simple but effective exercises to complete which help learn 20 of the most common tricky words, including 'the', in'to', 'I' and 'said'. Little ones will love to meet Tri
This is the perfect book for kids who want to find out all about farms. On the big, sturdy board pages, they'll discover bright, bold photographs of all kind of things they'll see down on the farm, f
This farm-themed play set comprises three chunky, mini books and a giant 9-piece jigsaw puzzle, all packaged neatly in a colorful presentation box.
The My Play Farm set includes three little board
This Playtown play set comprises three vehicle-shaped books and a giant 9-piece jigsaw puzzle, all packaged neatly in a colorful presentation box.
The Playtown set includes three little board book
This attractive First 100 box set contains five of Priddy's bestselling word books, published in paperback for the first time, with a sticker sheet in each. Full of big, bright photographs and bold w
This is the perfect book for kids who love trucks. On the big, sturdy board pages, they'll discover bright, bold photographs of all different kinds of trucks, from farm trucks to fire trucks to const
An adorable and irresistible touch-and-feel board book for babies and toddlers, full of cute puppies to stroke and textures to explore. See the puppies doing the things puppies do, from eating and pl