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Światowej sławy pisarze na nowo interpretują dzieła mistrza dramatu
Jeanette Winterson podejmuje się interpretacji "Zimowej opowieści". Pisarka, która sama je
How do we love? With romance. With work. Through heartbreak. Throughout a lifetime. As a means, but not an end. Love in all its forms has been an abiding theme of Jeanette Winterson’s writing. Here a
Written on the body is a secret code only visible in certain lights: the accumulation of a lifetime gather there.
In places the palimpsest is so heavily worked that the letters feel like braille.
A captivating collection of ghost stories from “one of the most gifted writers working today” (New York Times), Night Side of the River is as ingeniously provocative as it is downright spooky.
'Winterson is a rangy pirate, a world-swashbuckler, a plunderer of stories, literatures and hearts' Ali Smith, Scotsman
'It's night. I'm sitting at my screen. There's an e-mail for me. I unwrap it
`Like most people I lived for a long time with my mother and father. My father liked to watch the wrestling, my mother liked to wrestle, it didn`t matter what` This is the story of Jeanette, adopted
'At that time I could not imagine what would become of me, and I didn't care. It was not judgement day, but another morning'
This is the story of Jeanette, adopted and brought up by working-class
"Joins the dots in a neglected narrative of female scientists, visionaries and code-breakers' Observer
How is artificial intelligence changing the way we live and love? Now with a new chapter, this
A shining delight of a novel'New York Times 'Clever and beautiful...it soars'Financial Times A baby girl is abandoned, banished from London to the storm-ravaged American city of New Bohemia. Her fath
Our lives are digital, exposed and always-on. We track our friends and family wherever they go. We have millennia of knowledge at our fingertips.
We know everything about our world. But we know no
There is no such thing as autobiography, there is only art and lies'.
Set in a London of the near future, its three principal characters, Handel, Picasso and Sappho, separately flee the city and
On the banks of the Thames a baby is found floating. Rescued by the Dog-Woman, a giant strong enough to fling an elephant into the air, their lives together will take them on a dizzying journey throu
In Brexit Britain, a young transgender doctor called Ry is falling in love – against their better judgement – with Victor Stein, a celebrated professor leading the public debate around AI.
Współcześni uznani autorzy
Dramaturg wszech czasów
Uniwersalne historie opowiedziane na nowo:
- Jeanette Winterson: Zimowa opowieść. Przepaść czasu
- Howard Jacobson: Kupiec wenecki. Shyl
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Kamienni bogowie to awanturnicza wyprawa w czasie i przestrzeni, która wiedzie z XVIII-wiecznej Wyspy Wielkanocnej ku odległej przyszłości i wraca do zamierzchłej przeszłości. Jest to również nadzwy