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Po klęsce galijskiego lidera Camulogenes p
Lucky Luke is a one-hundred-percent real hero of the Old West. He is squarely on the side of the law and dedicates his life to seeing that justice is done. He travels around delivering it wherever he
In this new volume, Lucky Luke has to clean out a whole city: Fenton Town, so named because, after being abandoned by the pioneers who founded it, it has been taken over by Dean Fenton, a desperado o
Titusville, August 27, 1859: Colonel Drake discovers a deposit of oil—black gold! Immediately, the Oil Rush is on. The mayor of Titusville calls on Lucky Luke to help maintain order. When Lucky Luke
As he roams with his horse Jolly Jumper, always seeking new adventures, Lucky Luke meets two suspicious characters, Denver Miles and Colorado Bill. Together they arrive on the outskirts of a deserted
The story of Robin Hood has made a strong impression on Jesse James, and he would like to become a bandit with a big heart, like his hero. With the help of his brother Frank and his cousin Cole Young