A brilliant, compelling, propulsively written, magnificent tour de force' Simon Sebag Montefiore, Evening Standard
'The second volume of what will surely rank as one of the greatest historical ach
A riveting, deeply personal account of history in the making-from the president who inspired us to believe in the power of democracy.
In the stirring, highly anticipated first volume of his presid
System Putina SOS dla świata autorstwa rosyjskiego eksperta poleca Garri Kasparov, światowej sławy szachista. Autor przeżył koniec demokracji we własnym kraju i widzi potrzebę ostrzeżenia czytelników
Iwona Kienzler w swojej najnowszej książce zestawia biografię Władimira Putina i drogę, która zaprowadziła go na szczyty władzy, z barwnie nakreślonymi sylwetkami najbardziej krwawych carów Rosji. Ko
Walka o tron, władzę, pozycję. Przed kolejnymi władcami Rosji stawały wyzwania, którym należało sprostać, a wbrew pozorom nie było to łatwe. Rodzinne relacje, związki z dworami Europy, carskie rezyde
Inheritance. Fraud. Deceit. Lucky Loser is an explosive investigation into the truth behind Trump’s wealth, drawing on decades’ worth of confidential tax information, business records and insider int
Meet the Queen
The public and private life
of the world’s most famous monarch
Born in 1926, married in 1947, crowned as Queen in 1953, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has carried out her duty for m
It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother's coffin as the world watched in sorro
It is May 1940. Western countries are falling into Nazi hands. Britain must prepare to be invaded any day. The future of the world lies on the shoulders of one man. This is the story of how British P
Iwan IV – osierocony przez ojca i matkę, oddany pod opiekę wydzierających sobie władzę bojarów – od dzieciństwa uczy się przebiegłości i okrucieństwa. W 1547 roku koronuje się i ogłasza pierwszym car
The last king of Poland owed his throne largely to his youthful romance with the future Catherine the Great of Russia. But Stanislaw Augustus was nobody's pawn. He was an ambitious, highly intelligen
A landmark new biography that presents the man behind the many myths. The first writer in English to go back to the original European sources, Adam Zamoyski’s portrait of Napoleon is historical biogr
Discover Vice President-elect Kamala Harris's New York Times bestselling book about the core truths that unite us and the shared values that will see us into the future.
'A life story that genuine
In A.J.P. Taylor's words, Churchill was 'the saviour of his country' when he became prime minister in 1940. Yet he was also a deeply flawed character, whose personal ambition would cloud his politica
By the summer of 1939 Hitler was at the zenith of his power. Yet despite initial triumphs in the early stages of war, the Führer's fortunes would turn dramatically as the conflict raged on. Realising
Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus (188–217) was a young Roman emperor. He lived only 29 years and ruled the Roman empire from 211 to 217. He was the elder son of Lucius Septimius Severus and Julia Do
A reissue of this classic title brought up to date with never-before-published material from the original taped interviews and a new introduction by Andrew Morton.
This edition reflects on the ext
Druga w wielkim stylu biografia pióra autora "Stalina. Dworu czerwonego cara". Owiane legendą życie carycy Rosji, Katarzyny Wielkiej, i jej ekscentrycznego przyjaciela, kochanka, męża stanu, Grigorij
Franklin D. Roosevelt is a towering figure in twentieth-century history. A masterful politician who would win an unprecedented four presidential terms, initiate landmark reforms that changed the Amer
Louis XIV, King of France and Navarre, dominated his age. In the second half of the seventeenth century, he extended France's frontiers into the Netherlands and Germany, and established colonies in A
The acclaimed Penguin Monarchs series: short, fresh, expert accounts of England's rulers - now in paperback
The formation of England happened against the odds - the division of the country into ri
Najnowsza książka autora "Zamachu w Smoleńsku" ujawnia nowe, nieznane informacje (w tym liczne, utajnione dokumenty) o politycznym tle katastrofy. Zdaniem Leszka Szymowskiego "katastrofa smoleńska ni
In December 2013, David Satter became the first American journalist to be expelled from Russia since the Cold War. The Moscow Times said it was not surprising he was expelled, "it was surprising it t
Edward III ruled England for fifty years. He was a paragon of kingship in the eyes of his contemporaries, the perfect king in those of later generations. Venerated as the victor of Sluys and Crécy an