Książki podobne do The Ride of a Lifetime Lessons in Creative Leadership from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company z tanią wysyłką za granicę.
Wśród nich książki autorów takich jak Blake Masters, Peter Thiel, Colin Bryar.
Chcesz otrzymać informacje o najnowszych książkach podobnych do The Ride of a Lifetime Lessons in Creative Leadership from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company?
The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. If you are copying these guys, you aren’t learning from them. It’s easier to cop
Working Backwards gives an insider’s account of Amazon’s approach to culture, leadership and best practices from two long-time, top-level Amazon executives.
Colin Bryar and Bill Carr joined Amazon
Bestselling author Stephen Covey has made it his mission to understand trust in organizations. In his new breakthrough leadership book Trust and Inspire, Covey shows that though our world has evolved
Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored i
Essential lessons in hospitality for every business, from the former co-owner of legendary restaurant Eleven Madison Park.
Will Guidara was twenty-six when he took the helm of Eleven Madison Park,
In twenty-one bite-sized lessons, Yuval Noah Harari explores what it means to be human in an age of bewilderment.
How can we protect ourselves from nuclear war, ecological cataclysms and technolog
Do you ever think you’re the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague’s abrasive mann
Zdrowie, relacje, finanse, praca zawodowa, czas dla siebie, rozwój osobisty. Oto sześć obszarów, między którymi poruszamy się... żyjąc. To ni mniej, ni więcej, tylko sześć stref naszego życia, z któr
Epic feats. Epic failures. An epic story.
Walter Isaacson charts Elon Musk’s journey from humble beginnings to one of the wealthiest people on the planet – but is Musk a genius or a jerk?
Nie będzie następnego Billa Gatesa, który stworzy system operacyjny. Kolejni Larry Page czy Siergiej Brin nie wymyślą wyszukiwarki. Jeszcze jeden Mark Zuckerberg nie zaproponuje serwisu społecznościo
A deeply moving and insightful collection of personal essays from #1 bestselling author John Green, adapted from his critically acclaimed podcast.
The Anthropocene is the current geological age, i
A FINANCIAL TIMES BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: 'The most important book I have read in quite some time' Daniel Kahneman; 'A must-read' Max Tegmark; 'The book we've all been waiting for' Sam Harris
What does it mean to be truly free? And can any of us be free until all of us are?
Nobel Peace Prize nominee Nathan Law has experienced first-hand the shocking speed with which our freedom can be
Wychodząc od definicji statystyki jako nauki o metodach zbierania, analizy i interpretacji danych liczbowych oraz od przedstawienia podstawowych pojęć, autorka omawia najważniejsze zagadnienia
Bestseller „New York Timesa”
Amazon, Apple, Facebook i Google to najbardziej wpływowe firmy na świecie.
Prawie każdy uważa, że wie, jak osiągnęły taką pozycję.
Prawie każdy się myli.
Scott Gallow
"In Our Iceberg is Melting a simple fable about penguins illustrates how to conquer change, with profound lessons for working and living in an ever-changing world.
Imagine a world where your phone is too big for your hand, where your doctor prescribes a drug that is wrong for your body, where in a car accident you are 47% more likely to be seriously injured, wh
Cut down on screen time and get your technology use in check
The urge to pick up our phones every few minutes has become a nervous twitch that shatters our time into shards too small to be present
CZAS NA ZMIANY Bądź całkowicie szczery. Pamiętaj, że firma to zespół, a nie rodzina. I nigdy, przenigdy nie staraj się zadowolić swojego szefa. Oto niektóre z podstawowych reguł, jakie obowiązują
After years of feeling that love was always out of reach, journalist Natasha Lunn set out to understand how relationships work and evolve over a lifetime. She turned to authors and experts to learn a
In 1999, legendary venture capitalist John Doerr invested nearly $12 million in a startup that had amazing technology, entrepreneurial energy and sky-high ambitions, but no real business plan. Doerr