The year 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of premature death of Marian Smoluchowski, an outstanding Polish physicist, a pioneer of the kinetic theory of matter currently known as statistical physics.
A riveting, deeply personal account of history in the making-from the president who inspired us to believe in the power of democracy.
In the stirring, highly anticipated first volume of his presid
From one of the most iconic actors in the history of film, an astonishingly revelatory account of a creative life in full
To the wider world, Al Pacino exploded onto the scene like a supernova. He
Epic feats. Epic failures. An epic story.
Walter Isaacson charts Elon Musk’s journey from humble beginnings to one of the wealthiest people on the planet – but is Musk a genius or a jerk?
BOB DYLAN: MIXING UP THE MEDICINE is an unprecedented glimpse into the creative life of one of America’s most groundbreaking, influential and enduring artists.
‘If there is anything new to be disc
Odpowiedzialna za jedne z najbardziej przełomowych trendów w modzie, jakie kiedykolwiek widział świat – jak na przykład mała czarna, żakiet z przędzy pętelkowej bouclé, sztuczne perły i buty z noskie
In April 1992, Chris McCandless set off alone into the Alaskan wild. He had given his savings to charity, abandoned his car and his possessions, and burnt the money in his wallet, determined to live
If anyone could be considered a Russian counterpart to the infamous British double-agent Kim Philby, it was Oleg Gordievsky. The son of two KGB agents and the product of the best Soviet institutions,
'Everyone thinks, tomorrow it will be my turn. Daily, hourly, death is before our eyes . . .'
Gustav and Fritz Kleinmann are father and son in an ordinary Austrian Jewish family when the Nazis com
Mikołaj Kopernik to postać niezwykle istotna w dziejach Warmii. Wybitny astronom, poza wszechstronnymi - jak przystało na człowieka renesansu - zainteresowaniami, pełnił odpowiedzialne funkcje z rami
Historia krakowskiego getta opowiedziana przez polskiego aptekarza
Tadeusz Pankiewicz patrząc na rozgrywającą się pod oknami apteki tragedię krakowskich Żydów uratował ich od niepamięci – spisał wie
When the first season of Stranger Things debuted on Netflix in the summer of 2016, the show struck a nerve with millions of viewers worldwide and received broad critical acclaim. The series has gone
Szesnasta pozycja z serii wydawniczej „Muzeum w budowie”, „MIRIAM CAHN: I AS HUMAN” poświęcona jest twórczości Szwajcarki Miriam Cahn.
Rysowniczka i malarka, eksperymentuje też z fotografią, wideo
It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother's coffin as the world watched in sorro
The definitive biography of a fascinating and paradoxical figure, one of the most influential artists of his—or any—age
To this day, mention the name “Andy Warhol” to almost anyone and you’l
From the Academy Award®-winning actor, an unconventional memoir filled with raucous stories, outlaw wisdom, and lessons learned the hard way about living with greater satisfaction.
I’ve been in th
Taking a curtain call with a live snake in her wig...
Cavorting naked through the Warwickshire countryside painted green...
Acting opposite a child with a pumpkin on his head...
These are ju
A sizable biography of an outstanding Polish composer, organ virtuoso, conductor, teacher and social activist. The book follows him from the day he was born in Polish lands under Prussian rule, throu
‘Mr. Karpeles, a California-based painter and art critic, has ignited international interest in Czapski’s artwork’ Wall Street Journal
This stunning monograph, a long-overdue critical appraisal of P
Meet the Queen
The public and private life
of the world’s most famous monarch
Born in 1926, married in 1947, crowned as Queen in 1953, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has carried out her duty for m
A marvelous book . . . I just loved it all, and have a permanently marked-up, dog-eared copy on my shelf for the next generation.
Tom Hanks
Simply, a masterpiece. Here, Anna Funder not only
Inheritance. Fraud. Deceit. Lucky Loser is an explosive investigation into the truth behind Trump’s wealth, drawing on decades’ worth of confidential tax information, business records and insider int
Wersja anglojęzyczna.
Papież wciąż do nas wraca: w słowach skierowanych do nas, w swoich modlitwach. I my wracamy tak chętnie do przeżycia wiadomości odebranej 16 października 1978 roku z Watykanu,
"Chopin. Biografia ilustrowana" nie jest typową książką prezentującą życiorys wielkiego kompozytora. Album jest zbiorem esejów o niepospolitym człowieku i genialnym artyście. Autor - Janusz Ekiert -