George Orwell, właśc. Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950), angielski powieściopisarz, eseista i publicysta o przekonaniach demokratyczno-socjalistycznych. Uczestnik wojny domowej w Hiszpanii (1936-1937) po
'Among the six indispensable books in world literature' George Orwell
In the course of his famous travels, Gulliver is captured by miniature people who wage war on each other because of religious
The year is 1984 and war and revolution have left the world unrecognisable. Great Britain, now known as Airstrip One, is ruled by the Party, led by Big Brother. Mass surveillance is everything and Th
Shocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club.
An old friend in the antiques business has been killed, and a dangerous package he was protecting has gone missing.
As the gang springs into acti
A special 25th anniversary edition of the extraordinary international bestseller, including a new Foreword by Paulo Coelho.
Combining magic, mysticism, wisdom and wonder into an inspiring tale of
'A revelatory classic' Maria Popova
'A spiritual polymath, the first and possibly greatest' Deepak Chopra
What we have forgotten is that thoughts and words are conventions, and that it is fatal t
‘It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen.’ This is the opening sentence of the most influential novel of the century, in English or in any of the sixty or more languag
From New York Times bestseller Maureen Callahan, a fierce, character-driven exposé of the real Kennedy Curse—the family's generations-long legacy of misogyny, murder, and mayhem—and the women who hav
This is the tale of a cat wise in the ways of zen who hears of a solitary ancient pine, deep in a maple forest, under which infinite wisdom may be found.
So begins a journey of discovery.
Siddhartha is perhaps the most important and compelling moral allegory our troubled century has produced. Integrating Eastern and Western spiritual traditions with psychoanalysis and philosophy, this
A kind of miracle … Not only made me laugh (again and again) but brought tears to my eyes’ Jonathan Franzen
‘One of the most brilliant satirical novels about life in East Berlin’ New York Times
From the author of The Shifts and the Shocks, and one of the most influential writers on economics, a reckoning with how and why the relationship between democracy and capitalism is coming undone
Commander Sam Vimes of the City Watch is used to trouble. There's always trouble in Ankh-Morpork.
But this is new: people are being brutally murdered and there's no evidence of anything alive havi
It's OK to be angry about capitalism. It's OK to want something better. Bernie Sanders takes on the 1% and speaks blunt truths about a system that is fuelled by uncontrolled greed, and rigged against
Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith
Orwell is most well-known for his two famous novels Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm, but their dystopian vision was informed by observations of poverty in England (Down and Out in Paris' and Lon
A new selection of foundational works from the influential philosopher who developed the theory of mimetic desire
Why do humans have such a remarkable capacity for conflict? From ancient foundatio
When age makes you invisible, secrets are easier to hide
Daphne knows that age is just a number. She also knows that society no longer pays her any attention – something she’s happy to exploit to
The number one bestselling author returns with an irresistible new standalone about the perils of burnout - and the joy that awaits when you set yourself free...
Sasha is well and truly over it al
We call them Bunnies because that is what they call each other. Seriously. Bunny.
Samantha Heather Mackey is an outsider in her small, highly selective MFA program at Warren University. In fact, s
'When I play with my cat, how do I know she is not passing time with me rather than I with her?' Montaigne
There is no real evidence that humans ever 'domesticated' cats. Rather, it seems that at
Effie's still not over her parents splitting up a year ago. Her dad and his new girlfriend are posting their PDAs all over Instagram (complete with super-gross hashtags #viagraworks and #sexinyoursix
'I'm a fairly calm fellow; I don't usually get het up about things. But I was, let's say, concerned when I tuned into the Moscow Echo radio station and heard that the Kremlin had put a price on my he